13.01.2017 –
PLAYABLE SCULPTURE – Alexander Camaro’s and Bernhard Heiliger’s stage design for Faust II
![Abbildung der Lithografie »Kaiserliche Pfalz« von Bernhard Heiliger aus dem Jahr 1967.](https://kunsthaus-dahlem.de/wp-content/uploads/2023/02/Bernhard-Heiliger-Kaiserliche-Pfalz-Lithografie-Berlin-1967-300x225.jpg)
In 1966, Berlin sculptor Bernhard Heiliger created the stage design for the production of Faust II of his friend, the actor and director Ernst Schröder, at Schiller Theater. His concept was that of a sculpture, within which the actors could move. The production was a collaboration also with the painter Alexander Camaro, who created the costumes. With his grotesquely disguised angels entering the stage or Mephisto wearing blue jeans, Camaro undermined the usual impression of a theater. For Schröder, the production was not meant to be “educational theater”, but rather an entertaining evening for everybody including “mates from the street” (Source: Der Spiegel 19/1966). This inspiring collaboration also lead to the production of a portfolio of 14 lithographs by Heiliger and Camrao, which are to be seen in the exhibition.
Duration of the exhibition: January 13th –March 27th 2017
The exhibition is a collaboration with the Alexander and Renata Camaro Stiftung, Berlin.