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    Featured image: Andreas Mühe. Bunker Shield Plate I, 2021 (detail). © VG Bild-Kunst, Bonn 2024.

    With works by Andreas Mühe as well as Joachim Bandau, Göksu Baysal, Barbara Klemm, Hubert Kiecol, Wilhelm Klotzek, Tobias Kruse, Konrad Mühe, Erasmus Schröter, Paul Virilio and the designer Ursula Wünsch.

    As monumental forms made of concrete, the bunkers dot Europe’s landscape; from Berlin and Germany, to French Brittany, the English Channel, even to the northern and southern coasts (as the “Atlantic Wall”). In Italy, Austria, Germany, etc., bunkers can be found in the middle of cities as oversized, indestructible bodies. The National Socialists called their bunker construction project “Fortress Europe”. Their dark past is firmly inscribed in the bunkers.