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    22.09.2017 –

    ART IN FOUR NICHES – HORST BARTNIG, ACHIM FREYER, HERMANN GLÖCKNER AND WILHELM MÜLLER - A collaboration between the Achim Freyer Foundation and Kunsthaus Dahlem

    Kunsthaus Dahlem is proud to present four of the most important representatives of unofficial art of the GDR, with works from the late 1960s to the 1980s. With their abstract compositions, all four worked independently from the official art world and searched for a niche for artistic expression within their socio-cultural framework.

    Next to prominent names such as Achim Freyer, Hermann Glöckner and Horst Bartnig the exhibition honors the forgotten artist Wilhelm Müller. The four artists are linked by their artistic approach and commitment to abstract and concrete modernity, as well as an explicit rejection of Socialist Realism as the State doctrine.

    The exhibition includes 30 works on paper, paintings and sculptures.

    Vernissage: Thursday, September 21st 2017, 7pm
    Duration of the exhibition: September 20th 2017 – January 15th 2018
    Collaborating partner:
    Kadettenweg 53, 12205 Berlin