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    30.06.2017 –

    »DER GELBE KAUZ« installation in Kunsthaus Dahlem's sculpture garden

    Fotografie der Installation im Skulpturengarten des Kunsthaus Dahlem.

    With the installation „Der gelbe Kauz“, artists Anja Gerecke and Stefan Rummel present a new work created specifically for Kunsthaus Dahlem’s sculpture garden. In their mixed-media intervention, they examine the development of sculpture, architecture and its impact on the spectator, color as a trigger for emotions and sound as a metaphor for time and process. Therefore the installation re-aligns the spectator’s points of view. For the construction, they use local building supplies, acrylic and house paint. This is combined with generated sounds (manipulated field recordings) broadcasted over ordinary loudspeakers into a resonance chamber, which also displays color fields, painted in several layers of intense artist colors and colors of the surrounding environment. The artists refer to works of Expressionism and appeal to the spectator’s own perception of space and color, thus creating an „emotional architecture“ within this installation. The reference to the space, the history and spacial concerns of the Kunsthaus Dahlem, as well as of the neighboring Brücke-Museum and the interaction with the respective environment played a major role in developing the artwork.

    Duration of the exhibition: June 30 – October 3, 2017