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    30.06.2017 –

    Artist’s R/emigration after 1945


    From June 30th 2017 to June 17th 2018 Kunsthaus Dahlem presents the group exhibition New/Old Homeland. Artist’s R/emigration after 1945 with appr. 50 works by 15 artists. In the exhibition, various topics and issues are being addressed: Emigrant artists, who were unable to return to Germany after WWII; exiled artists whose reception and recognition in Germany after 1945 was stalled and/or delayed; and those whose return was welcomed and supported. Finally, the exhibition honours artists, who went into so called “inner emigration” – withdrawing themselves from the art world during the Nazi dictatorship.
    The exhibition showcases mainly sculpture but also includes paintings, works on paper, books and photography. It will reveal the influences and impacts of exile on artistic practice and the connections to international modernity, as well as the impact of the new political context after the return to postwar Germany. Renowned artists, such as Theo Balden and Rudolf Belling, will be presented side by side with names who are unjustly forgotten, such as Jussuf Abbo, Peter Rosenbaum or Margarete Klopfleisch. Due to the current political situation, the exhibition has both a historical as well as a contemporary relevance.
    Artists in the exhibition:
    Jussuf Abbo, Theo Balden, Rudolf Belling, Erich Buchholz, Richard Engelmann, Paul Hamann, Eugen Hoffmann, Margarete Klopfleisch, Moissey Kogan, Will Lammert, Max Lingner, Emy Roeder, Peter Rosenbaum, Tisa von Schulenburg, Hugo Steiner-Prag, Christian Theunert.
    A catalogue is being published for the exhibition.

    The exhibition is under the patronage of the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and Media, Prof. Monika Grütters MdB

    With kind support from :
    Ernst von Siemens Kunststiftung
    Freundeskreis Kunsthaus Dahlem Bernhard Heiliger e.V.

    In collaboration with
    Ludwig Maximilian University Munich, Institute for Art History,
    Humboldt University Berlin, Institute for Art History

    Opening: June 29th 2017, 7pm
    Duration of the exhibition:
    June 30th 2017 – June 17th 2018