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    31.03.2017 –

    PICTORIAL PROCESS – Sculpture and Photogrpahy by Fritz Kühn 1945–1967

    Abbildung der Plastik »von Spitz zu Flach« aus dem Jahr 1959 von Fritz Kühn.
    Fritz Kühn: Plastische Form "Von Spitz zu Flach", 1959, Stahl geschmiedet, © Achim Kühn

    With about a dozen photographic works and an equal number of sculptures, the Kunsthaus Dahlem presents the artist Fritz Kühn (1910-1967). Trained as a artist blacksmith, Kühn opened his atelier-shop in Berlin-Bohnsdorf in 1937. His first photgraphic work -10 Jahre Kunstschmiede Fritz Kühn – was published in 1947, in which he formulated his examination of iron as an artistic material. Kühn quickly gained renown as a metall sculptor in postwar Germany, not only in the East but also in the Federal Republic. The exhibition honors Fritz Kühn as a photographer, craftsman and sculptor within an East-West German context.

    Opening: Thursday, March 30th 2017, 7pm

    Duration of the exhibition: March 31st to June 18th 2017

    With kind support of the Fritz-Kühn-Gesellschaft e.V.